File: neo_cgi.c
Function: p_cgiwrap_init
Error: ob_refcnt of '*sys' is 1 too high
786 static void p_cgiwrap_init(PyObject *m)
787 {
788   PyObject *sys, *os, *p_stdin, *p_stdout, *args, *p_env;
789 #if 0
790   PyObject *argv;
791   int x;
792 #endif
794   /* Set up the python wrapper 
795    * This might not be enough to actually continue to point to
796    * sys.stdin/sys.stdout, we'd probably have to actually do the lookup
797    * every time... if we need that functionality
798    */
799   sys = PyImport_ImportModule("sys");
800   os = PyImport_ImportModule("os");
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
PyModuleObject allocated at:   sys = PyImport_ImportModule("sys");
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 0
801   if (sys)
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
802   {
taking True path
803     p_stdin = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdin");
804     p_stdout = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdout");
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
805 #if 0
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
806     argv = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "argv");
807     if (argv)
808     {
809       Argc = PyList_Size (argv);
810       if (Argc != -1)
811       {
813 	Argv = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *) * (Argc+1));
814 	for (x = 0; x < Argc; x++)
815 	{
816 	  PyObject *a;
817 	  char *b;
819 	  a = PyList_GetItem (argv, x);
820 	  if (a == NULL)
821 	    break;
822 	  b = PyString_AsString(a);
823 	  if (b == NULL)
824 	    break;
825 	  Argv[x] = b;
826 	}
827 	Argv[x] = NULL;
828       }
829     }
830 #endif
831     if (os) 
832     {
taking True path
833       p_env = PyObject_GetAttrString(os, "environ");
834     }
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
835     else
836     {
837       Py_INCREF(Py_None);
838       p_env = Py_None;
839     }
840     args = Py_BuildValue("(O,O,O)", p_stdin, p_stdout, p_env);
841     if (args)
when Py_BuildValue() succeeds
842     {
taking True path
843       cgiwrap_init_emu (&Wrapper, p_read, p_writef, p_write, p_getenv, p_putenv, p_iterenv);
844       cgiwrap (m, args);
845       Py_DECREF(args);
when cgiwrap() succeeds
846     }
when taking True path
847   }
848 }
returning ob_refcnt of '*sys' is 1 too high was expecting final ob_refcnt to be N + 0 (for some unknown N) but final ob_refcnt is N + 1 found 19 similar trace(s) to this

File: neo_cgi.c
Function: p_cgiwrap_init
Error: ob_refcnt of '*os' is 1 too high
786 static void p_cgiwrap_init(PyObject *m)
787 {
788   PyObject *sys, *os, *p_stdin, *p_stdout, *args, *p_env;
789 #if 0
790   PyObject *argv;
791   int x;
792 #endif
794   /* Set up the python wrapper 
795    * This might not be enough to actually continue to point to
796    * sys.stdin/sys.stdout, we'd probably have to actually do the lookup
797    * every time... if we need that functionality
798    */
799   sys = PyImport_ImportModule("sys");
800   os = PyImport_ImportModule("os");
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
801   if (sys)
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
PyModuleObject allocated at:   os = PyImport_ImportModule("os");
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 0
802   {
taking True path
803     p_stdin = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdin");
804     p_stdout = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdout");
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
805 #if 0
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
806     argv = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "argv");
807     if (argv)
808     {
809       Argc = PyList_Size (argv);
810       if (Argc != -1)
811       {
813 	Argv = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *) * (Argc+1));
814 	for (x = 0; x < Argc; x++)
815 	{
816 	  PyObject *a;
817 	  char *b;
819 	  a = PyList_GetItem (argv, x);
820 	  if (a == NULL)
821 	    break;
822 	  b = PyString_AsString(a);
823 	  if (b == NULL)
824 	    break;
825 	  Argv[x] = b;
826 	}
827 	Argv[x] = NULL;
828       }
829     }
830 #endif
831     if (os) 
832     {
taking True path
833       p_env = PyObject_GetAttrString(os, "environ");
834     }
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
835     else
836     {
837       Py_INCREF(Py_None);
838       p_env = Py_None;
839     }
840     args = Py_BuildValue("(O,O,O)", p_stdin, p_stdout, p_env);
841     if (args)
when Py_BuildValue() succeeds
842     {
taking True path
843       cgiwrap_init_emu (&Wrapper, p_read, p_writef, p_write, p_getenv, p_putenv, p_iterenv);
844       cgiwrap (m, args);
845       Py_DECREF(args);
when cgiwrap() succeeds
846     }
when taking True path
847   }
848 }
returning ob_refcnt of '*os' is 1 too high was expecting final ob_refcnt to be N + 0 (for some unknown N) but final ob_refcnt is N + 1 found 12 similar trace(s) to this

File: neo_cgi.c
Function: p_cgiwrap_init
Error: ob_refcnt of '*p_stdin' is 1 too high
786 static void p_cgiwrap_init(PyObject *m)
787 {
788   PyObject *sys, *os, *p_stdin, *p_stdout, *args, *p_env;
789 #if 0
790   PyObject *argv;
791   int x;
792 #endif
794   /* Set up the python wrapper 
795    * This might not be enough to actually continue to point to
796    * sys.stdin/sys.stdout, we'd probably have to actually do the lookup
797    * every time... if we need that functionality
798    */
799   sys = PyImport_ImportModule("sys");
800   os = PyImport_ImportModule("os");
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
801   if (sys)
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
802   {
taking True path
803     p_stdin = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdin");
804     p_stdout = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdout");
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
new ref from call to PyObject_GetAttrString allocated at:     p_stdin = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdin");
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 0
805 #if 0
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
806     argv = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "argv");
807     if (argv)
808     {
809       Argc = PyList_Size (argv);
810       if (Argc != -1)
811       {
813 	Argv = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *) * (Argc+1));
814 	for (x = 0; x < Argc; x++)
815 	{
816 	  PyObject *a;
817 	  char *b;
819 	  a = PyList_GetItem (argv, x);
820 	  if (a == NULL)
821 	    break;
822 	  b = PyString_AsString(a);
823 	  if (b == NULL)
824 	    break;
825 	  Argv[x] = b;
826 	}
827 	Argv[x] = NULL;
828       }
829     }
830 #endif
831     if (os) 
832     {
taking True path
833       p_env = PyObject_GetAttrString(os, "environ");
834     }
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
835     else
836     {
837       Py_INCREF(Py_None);
838       p_env = Py_None;
839     }
840     args = Py_BuildValue("(O,O,O)", p_stdin, p_stdout, p_env);
841     if (args)
when Py_BuildValue() succeeds
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 1
842     {
taking True path
843       cgiwrap_init_emu (&Wrapper, p_read, p_writef, p_write, p_getenv, p_putenv, p_iterenv);
844       cgiwrap (m, args);
845       Py_DECREF(args);
when cgiwrap() succeeds
846     }
when taking True path
847   }
848 }
returning ob_refcnt of '*p_stdin' is 1 too high was expecting final ob_refcnt to be N + 0 (for some unknown N) but final ob_refcnt is N + 1 found 13 similar trace(s) to this

File: neo_cgi.c
Function: p_cgiwrap_init
Error: ob_refcnt of '*p_stdout' is 1 too high
786 static void p_cgiwrap_init(PyObject *m)
787 {
788   PyObject *sys, *os, *p_stdin, *p_stdout, *args, *p_env;
789 #if 0
790   PyObject *argv;
791   int x;
792 #endif
794   /* Set up the python wrapper 
795    * This might not be enough to actually continue to point to
796    * sys.stdin/sys.stdout, we'd probably have to actually do the lookup
797    * every time... if we need that functionality
798    */
799   sys = PyImport_ImportModule("sys");
800   os = PyImport_ImportModule("os");
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
801   if (sys)
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
802   {
taking True path
803     p_stdin = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdin");
804     p_stdout = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdout");
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
805 #if 0
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
new ref from call to PyObject_GetAttrString allocated at:     p_stdout = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdout");
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 0
806     argv = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "argv");
807     if (argv)
808     {
809       Argc = PyList_Size (argv);
810       if (Argc != -1)
811       {
813 	Argv = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *) * (Argc+1));
814 	for (x = 0; x < Argc; x++)
815 	{
816 	  PyObject *a;
817 	  char *b;
819 	  a = PyList_GetItem (argv, x);
820 	  if (a == NULL)
821 	    break;
822 	  b = PyString_AsString(a);
823 	  if (b == NULL)
824 	    break;
825 	  Argv[x] = b;
826 	}
827 	Argv[x] = NULL;
828       }
829     }
830 #endif
831     if (os) 
832     {
taking True path
833       p_env = PyObject_GetAttrString(os, "environ");
834     }
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
835     else
836     {
837       Py_INCREF(Py_None);
838       p_env = Py_None;
839     }
840     args = Py_BuildValue("(O,O,O)", p_stdin, p_stdout, p_env);
841     if (args)
when Py_BuildValue() succeeds
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 1
842     {
taking True path
843       cgiwrap_init_emu (&Wrapper, p_read, p_writef, p_write, p_getenv, p_putenv, p_iterenv);
844       cgiwrap (m, args);
845       Py_DECREF(args);
when cgiwrap() succeeds
846     }
when taking True path
847   }
848 }
returning ob_refcnt of '*p_stdout' is 1 too high was expecting final ob_refcnt to be N + 0 (for some unknown N) but final ob_refcnt is N + 1 found 13 similar trace(s) to this

File: neo_cgi.c
Function: p_cgiwrap_init
Error: ob_refcnt of '*p_env' is 1 too high
786 static void p_cgiwrap_init(PyObject *m)
787 {
788   PyObject *sys, *os, *p_stdin, *p_stdout, *args, *p_env;
789 #if 0
790   PyObject *argv;
791   int x;
792 #endif
794   /* Set up the python wrapper 
795    * This might not be enough to actually continue to point to
796    * sys.stdin/sys.stdout, we'd probably have to actually do the lookup
797    * every time... if we need that functionality
798    */
799   sys = PyImport_ImportModule("sys");
800   os = PyImport_ImportModule("os");
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
801   if (sys)
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
802   {
taking True path
803     p_stdin = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdin");
804     p_stdout = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdout");
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
805 #if 0
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
806     argv = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "argv");
807     if (argv)
808     {
809       Argc = PyList_Size (argv);
810       if (Argc != -1)
811       {
813 	Argv = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *) * (Argc+1));
814 	for (x = 0; x < Argc; x++)
815 	{
816 	  PyObject *a;
817 	  char *b;
819 	  a = PyList_GetItem (argv, x);
820 	  if (a == NULL)
821 	    break;
822 	  b = PyString_AsString(a);
823 	  if (b == NULL)
824 	    break;
825 	  Argv[x] = b;
826 	}
827 	Argv[x] = NULL;
828       }
829     }
830 #endif
831     if (os) 
832     {
taking True path
833       p_env = PyObject_GetAttrString(os, "environ");
834     }
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
new ref from call to PyObject_GetAttrString allocated at:       p_env = PyObject_GetAttrString(os, "environ");
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 0
835     else
836     {
837       Py_INCREF(Py_None);
838       p_env = Py_None;
839     }
840     args = Py_BuildValue("(O,O,O)", p_stdin, p_stdout, p_env);
841     if (args)
when Py_BuildValue() succeeds
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 1
842     {
taking True path
843       cgiwrap_init_emu (&Wrapper, p_read, p_writef, p_write, p_getenv, p_putenv, p_iterenv);
844       cgiwrap (m, args);
845       Py_DECREF(args);
when cgiwrap() succeeds
846     }
when taking True path
847   }
848 }
returning ob_refcnt of '*p_env' is 1 too high was expecting final ob_refcnt to be N + 0 (for some unknown N) but final ob_refcnt is N + 1 found 15 similar trace(s) to this

File: neo_cgi.c
Function: p_cgiwrap_init
Error: ob_refcnt of new ref from (unknown) cgiwrap is 1 too high
786 static void p_cgiwrap_init(PyObject *m)
787 {
788   PyObject *sys, *os, *p_stdin, *p_stdout, *args, *p_env;
789 #if 0
790   PyObject *argv;
791   int x;
792 #endif
794   /* Set up the python wrapper 
795    * This might not be enough to actually continue to point to
796    * sys.stdin/sys.stdout, we'd probably have to actually do the lookup
797    * every time... if we need that functionality
798    */
799   sys = PyImport_ImportModule("sys");
800   os = PyImport_ImportModule("os");
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
801   if (sys)
when PyImport_ImportModule() succeeds
802   {
taking True path
803     p_stdin = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdin");
804     p_stdout = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "stdout");
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
805 #if 0
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
806     argv = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "argv");
807     if (argv)
808     {
809       Argc = PyList_Size (argv);
810       if (Argc != -1)
811       {
813 	Argv = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *) * (Argc+1));
814 	for (x = 0; x < Argc; x++)
815 	{
816 	  PyObject *a;
817 	  char *b;
819 	  a = PyList_GetItem (argv, x);
820 	  if (a == NULL)
821 	    break;
822 	  b = PyString_AsString(a);
823 	  if (b == NULL)
824 	    break;
825 	  Argv[x] = b;
826 	}
827 	Argv[x] = NULL;
828       }
829     }
830 #endif
831     if (os) 
832     {
taking True path
833       p_env = PyObject_GetAttrString(os, "environ");
834     }
when PyObject_GetAttrString() succeeds
835     else
836     {
837       Py_INCREF(Py_None);
838       p_env = Py_None;
839     }
840     args = Py_BuildValue("(O,O,O)", p_stdin, p_stdout, p_env);
841     if (args)
when Py_BuildValue() succeeds
842     {
taking True path
843       cgiwrap_init_emu (&Wrapper, p_read, p_writef, p_write, p_getenv, p_putenv, p_iterenv);
844       cgiwrap (m, args);
845       Py_DECREF(args);
when cgiwrap() succeeds
new ref from (unknown) cgiwrap allocated at:       cgiwrap (m, args);
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 0
846     }
when taking True path
847   }
848 }
returning ob_refcnt of new ref from (unknown) cgiwrap is 1 too high was expecting final ob_refcnt to be N + 0 (for some unknown N) but final ob_refcnt is N + 1 found 3 similar trace(s) to this