File: src/python_module.c
Function: pm_load_script
Error: ob_refcnt of return value is 1 too low
47 static PyObject *pm_load_script(const char *filename, OSyncError **error)
48 {
49 	FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
50 	if (!fp) {
51 		osync_error_set(error, OSYNC_ERROR_GENERIC, "Unable to open file %s", filename);
when treating unknown struct FILE * from src/python_module.c:50 as non-NULL
taking False path
52 		return NULL;
53 	}
55 	if (PyRun_SimpleFile(fp, filename) == -1) {
56 		osync_error_set(error, OSYNC_ERROR_GENERIC, "Couldn't run module from file %s", filename);
when PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags() succeeds
taking False path
57 		PyErr_Print();
58 		return NULL;
59 	}
61 	PyObject *module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
62 	if (!module) {
when PyImport_AddModule() succeeds
borrowed reference returned by PyImport_AddModule() allocated at: 	PyObject *module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
ob_refcnt is now refs: 0 + N where N >= 1
63 		osync_error_set(error, OSYNC_ERROR_GENERIC, "Couldn't load module from file %s", filename);
taking False path
64 		PyErr_Print();
65 		return NULL;
66 	}
67 	return module;
68 }
ob_refcnt of return value is 1 too low was expecting final ob_refcnt to be N + 1 (for some unknown N) due to object being referenced by: return value but final ob_refcnt is N + 0

File: src/python_module.c
Function: pm_load_script
Error: returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
47 static PyObject *pm_load_script(const char *filename, OSyncError **error)
48 {
49 	FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
50 	if (!fp) {
51 		osync_error_set(error, OSYNC_ERROR_GENERIC, "Unable to open file %s", filename);
when treating unknown struct FILE * from src/python_module.c:50 as non-NULL
taking False path
52 		return NULL;
53 	}
55 	if (PyRun_SimpleFile(fp, filename) == -1) {
56 		osync_error_set(error, OSYNC_ERROR_GENERIC, "Couldn't run module from file %s", filename);
when PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags() succeeds
taking False path
57 		PyErr_Print();
58 		return NULL;
59 	}
61 	PyObject *module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
62 	if (!module) {
when PyImport_AddModule() fails
thread-local exception state now has value: (struct PyObject *)&RegionForGlobal(gcc.VarDecl('PyExc_MemoryError')) from src/python_module.c:62
63 		osync_error_set(error, OSYNC_ERROR_GENERIC, "Couldn't load module from file %s", filename);
taking True path
64 		PyErr_Print();
65 		return NULL;
calling PyErr_Print()
thread-local exception state now has value: (struct PyObject *)0 from src/python_module.c:65
66 	}
67 	return module;
68 }
returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception found 2 similar trace(s) to this