File: nautilus-python-object.c
Function: nautilus_python_object_cancel_update
Error: ob_refcnt of new ref from call to PyObject_CallMethod is 1 too high
363 static void
364 nautilus_python_object_cancel_update (NautilusInfoProvider 		*provider,
365 									  NautilusOperationHandle 	*handle)
366 {
367 	NautilusPythonObject *object = (NautilusPythonObject*)provider;
368 	PyGILState_STATE state = pyg_gil_state_ensure();
when treating unknown struct _PyGObject_Functions * from /usr/include/pygtk-2.0/pygobject.h:209 as non-NULL
calling unknown int (*) (void) from nautilus-python-object.c:368
369 	PyObject *py_handle = nautilus_python_boxed_new (_PyNautilusOperationHandle_Type, handle, FALSE);
when nautilus_python_boxed_new() succeeds
371   	debug_enter();
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking True path
373 	CHECK_OBJECT(object);
when treating unknown struct NautilusInfoProvider * from nautilus-python-object.c:364 as non-NULL
when treating unknown struct PyObject * from nautilus-python-object.c:373 as non-NULL
taking False path
374 	CHECK_METHOD_NAME(object->instance);
when treating unknown struct PyObject * from nautilus-python-object.c:374 as non-NULL
when PyObject_HasAttrString() returns 1 (true)
taking False path
376     PyObject_CallMethod(object->instance,
when call succeeds
when PyObject_CallMethod() succeeds
new ref from call to PyObject_CallMethod allocated at:     PyObject_CallMethod(object->instance,
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 0
378 								 pygobject_new((GObject*)provider),
379 								 py_handle);
381  beach:
382 	pyg_gil_state_release(state);
calling unknown void (*) (int) from nautilus-python-object.c:382
383 }
ob_refcnt of new ref from call to PyObject_CallMethod is 1 too high
was expecting final ob_refcnt to be N + 0 (for some unknown N)
but final ob_refcnt is N + 1
found 2 similar trace(s) to this

File: nautilus-python-object.c
Function: nautilus_python_object_cancel_update
Error: ob_refcnt of '*py_handle' is 1 too high
363 static void
364 nautilus_python_object_cancel_update (NautilusInfoProvider 		*provider,
365 									  NautilusOperationHandle 	*handle)
366 {
367 	NautilusPythonObject *object = (NautilusPythonObject*)provider;
368 	PyGILState_STATE state = pyg_gil_state_ensure();
when treating unknown struct _PyGObject_Functions * from /usr/include/pygtk-2.0/pygobject.h:209 as non-NULL
calling unknown int (*) (void) from nautilus-python-object.c:368
369 	PyObject *py_handle = nautilus_python_boxed_new (_PyNautilusOperationHandle_Type, handle, FALSE);
when nautilus_python_boxed_new() succeeds
new ref from (unknown) nautilus_python_boxed_new allocated at: 	PyObject *py_handle = nautilus_python_boxed_new (_PyNautilusOperationHandle_Type, handle, FALSE);
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 0
371   	debug_enter();
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking True path
373 	CHECK_OBJECT(object);
when treating unknown struct NautilusInfoProvider * from nautilus-python-object.c:364 as non-NULL
when treating unknown struct PyObject * from nautilus-python-object.c:373 as non-NULL
taking False path
374 	CHECK_METHOD_NAME(object->instance);
when treating unknown struct PyObject * from nautilus-python-object.c:374 as non-NULL
when PyObject_HasAttrString() returns 1 (true)
taking False path
376     PyObject_CallMethod(object->instance,
when call fails
when PyObject_CallMethod() fails
378 								 pygobject_new((GObject*)provider),
379 								 py_handle);
381  beach:
382 	pyg_gil_state_release(state);
calling unknown void (*) (int) from nautilus-python-object.c:382
383 }
ob_refcnt of '*py_handle' is 1 too high
was expecting final ob_refcnt to be N + 0 (for some unknown N)
but final ob_refcnt is N + 1
found 8 similar trace(s) to this