File: plpython.c
Function: get_source_line
Error: dereferencing NULL (*s) at plpython.c:4569
4550 static char *
4551 get_source_line(const char *src, int lineno)
4552 {
4553 	const char *s = NULL;
4554 	const char *next = src;
4555 	int			current = 0;
4557 	while (current < lineno)
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= 0
taking False path
4558 	{
4559 		s = next;
4560 		next = strchr(s + 1, '\n');
4561 		current++;
4562 		if (next == NULL)
4563 			break;
4564 	}
4566 	if (current != lineno)
when considering value == (int)0 from plpython.c:4551
taking False path
4567 		return NULL;
4569 	while (*s && isspace((unsigned char) *s))
dereferencing NULL (*s) at plpython.c:4569
4570 		s++;
4572 	if (next == NULL)
4573 		return pstrdup(s);
4575 	/*
4576 	 * Sanity check, next < s if the line was all-whitespace, which should
4577 	 * never happen if Python reported a frame created on that line, but check
4578 	 * anyway.
4579 	 */
4580 	if (next < s)
4581 		return NULL;
4583 	return pnstrdup(s, next - s);
4584 }