File: acl.c
Function: ACL_str
Error: dereferencing NULL (ret->ob_refcnt) at acl.c:213
201 /* Converts the acl to a text format */
202 static PyObject* ACL_str(PyObject *obj) {
203     char *text;
204     ACL_Object *self = (ACL_Object*) obj;
205     PyObject *ret;
207     text = acl_to_text(self->acl, NULL);
208     if(text == NULL) {
when treating unknown char * from acl.c:207 as non-NULL
taking False path
209         return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
210     }
211     ret = PyBytes_FromString(text);
when PyString_FromString() fails
212     if(acl_free(text) != 0) {
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking True path
213         Py_DECREF(ret);
dereferencing NULL (ret->ob_refcnt) at acl.c:213
found 1 similar trace(s) to this
214         return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
215     }
216     return ret;
217 }