File: src/extensions/shmmodule.c
Function: PyShm_create_semaphore
Error: passing uninitialized data (arg) as argument 4 to function at src/extensions/shmmodule.c:1277
1261 static PyObject *
1262 PyShm_create_semaphore(
1263     PyObject *self,
1264     PyObject *args)
1265 {
1266     long key;
1267     int semid;
1268     int value = 1;
1269     int perm = 0666;	/* Default permission is -rw-rw-rw- */
1270     semctl_arg arg;
1272     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "l|ii", &key, &value, &perm))
when PyArg_ParseTuple() succeeds
taking False path
1273 	return NULL;
1274     semid = semget((key_t)key, 1, perm | IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL);
1275     arg.val = value;
1276     if (!((semid != -1) &&
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -2
taking False path
1277 	  (semctl(semid, 0, SETVAL, arg) != -1)))
passing uninitialized data (arg) as argument 4 to function at src/extensions/shmmodule.c:1277
found 1 similar trace(s) to this
1278 	return PyShm_Err();
1279     return PyShm_semaphore(self, Py_BuildValue("(i)", semid));
1280 }