.. _hex-floats: Hex Floats ********** .. index:: hex floats ISO C99 supports floating-point numbers written not only in the usual decimal notation, such as ``1.55e1``, but also numbers such as ``0x1.fp3`` written in hexadecimal format. As a GNU extension, GCC supports this in C90 mode (except in some cases when strictly conforming) and in C++. In that format the :samp:`0x` hex introducer and the :samp:`p` or :samp:`P` exponent field are mandatory. The exponent is a decimal number that indicates the power of 2 by which the significant part is multiplied. Thus :samp:`0x1.f` is $1 {15\over16}$, 1 15/16, :samp:`p3` multiplies it by 8, and the value of ``0x1.fp3`` is the same as ``1.55e1``. Unlike for floating-point numbers in the decimal notation the exponent is always required in the hexadecimal notation. Otherwise the compiler would not be able to resolve the ambiguity of, e.g., ``0x1.f``. This could mean ``1.0f`` or ``1.9375`` since :samp:`f` is also the extension for floating-point constants of type ``float``.