Bug path

‘test’: events 1-2
23void test (void)
(1) entry to ‘test’
26 signal(SIGINT, int_handler);
(2) registering ‘int_handler’ as signal handler
event 3
(3): later on, when the signal is delivered to the process
‘int_handler’: events 4-5
18static void int_handler(int signum)
(4) entry to ‘int_handler’
20 custom_logger("got signal");
(5) calling ‘custom_logger’ from ‘int_handler’
‘custom_logger’: events 6-7
13void custom_logger(const char *msg)
(6) entry to ‘custom_logger’
15 fprintf(stderr, "LOG: %s", msg); /* { dg-warning "call to 'fprintf' from within signal handler" } */
(7) call to ‘fprintf’ from within signal handler